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If you are in 4th, 5th or 6th Class, ask your teacher or a parent if you and your class can complete the Farm Safety Resource for Primary Schools. With great videos and presentations to watch and read, and even a guide to help your teacher or your parents, earn your Certificate of Achievement by completing a fun quiz at the end.

Check out thsi quiz BEFORE and AFTER you complete the Farm Safety Resource for Primary Schools, and compare both results. Good luck ... and enjoy! 

What are some of the dangers you might find on the farm?
Chickens, hay, tractors, and flowers
Tractors, machinery, livestock, fall from heights, slurry, quads/ATVs
Horses, water hoses, picnic tables, and dogs
Why is standing near tractors when they are running so dangerous?
You could fall asleep on the tractor.
The driver might ask you to help.
If you are in the tractor’s blind spots, the driver cannot see you, and the tractor is loud so they might not hear you either (
What livestock and other animals might you find on the farm?
Cows, bulls, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, cats, and dogs
Elephants, giraffes, and zebras
Fish, frogs, and squirrels
Which animals are dangerous?
Only small animals like chickens are dangerous.
Only bulls are dangerous.
All animals on a farm are potentially dangerous
Why might puppies or kittens be dangerous on the farm?
They could chase away the cows and get lost.
Farm animals might attack them, and they could run to you for protection, putting you in danger
They might start eating the crops.
What are the dangers of falling from heights?
It’s only dangerous if you climb very high.
You might break the ladder.
You can fall off anything you climb, like ladders or bales, and things like gates or stacked items can fall on you
What are the dangers of slurry?
Drowning, inhaling toxic gases, and falling through the crust
Slurry smells bad but isn’t dangerous.
Slurry is like mud, so it’s safe to walk on.
If you see animals in a field, what should you do?
Stay out of the field
Start chasing the animals.
Try to feed the animals with your hand.
At what age are you allowed to be a passenger in the cab of a tractor?
Fourteen years of age
Ten years of age
Seven years of age
What should you wear on a sunny day on the farm?
Suncream, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses
A raincoat and boots
A hoodie and jeans
When coming in from the farm, what should you always do first?
Feed the animals
Wash your hands
Grab a snack
What are the dangers of being around slurry pits?
Drowning, inhaling slurry gas, or others falling in trying to help
Getting muddy
Finding frogs in the pit
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