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Extirpation is when a species disappears from a specific area but still exists in other places. Unlike extinction, where a species is gone forever, extirpation means the species can be reintroduced to its lost habitat. This has happened to many animals around the world, including Ireland.

One example of extirpation is the white-tailed eagle in Ireland. These birds of prey were once common, but they disappeared from the country in the 19th century due to hunting, habitat loss, and poisoning. Fortunately, the species was not extinct worldwide and still existed in places like Norway. In 2007, a programme began to bring the eagles back to Ireland. Chicks were brought over and carefully reintroduced into the wild, helping restore a key species to Ireland’s ecosystems.

Ireland is not alone in facing extirpation. Other countries, including the UK, have also experienced it. For instance, wolves were extirpated from Britain long ago. Efforts to reintroduce animals like the white-tailed eagle in Ireland show how humans can help nature recover and prevent local extinction, giving ecosystems a chance to thrive again.

Here are 10 examples of animals that have been extirpated from certain regions:

  1. Wolves – Extirpated from the UK in the 17th century due to hunting and habitat loss.
  2. White-tailed Eagle – Extirpated from Ireland in the 19th century but reintroduced through conservation efforts.
  3. Lynx – Extirpated from the UK over 1,000 years ago due to deforestation and hunting.
  4. Grizzly Bear – Extirpated from parts of the United States, including California, by the early 20th century.
  5. Bison – Extirpated from most of North America, except for small populations in protected areas.
  6. Eurasian Beaver – Extirpated from the UK in the 16th century but now reintroduced.
  7. Red Kite – Extirpated from much of the UK in the 19th century due to persecution but successfully reintroduced.
  8. Cougar (Puma) – Extirpated from the eastern United States, except for a small population in Florida (the Florida panther).
  9. Wild Boar – Extirpated from the UK by the 13th century due to overhunting but now reintroduced in some areas.
  10. European Brown Bear – Extirpated from parts of Western Europe, including the UK, centuries ago.



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