News Bites Media - Magazine for primary school students



AG MAG MARCH ISSUE 4 already, and what an action-  packed issue we have for you!

As you may have noticed, we are on a mission this month. With National Tree Week taking place from March 9 to 16, we're bringing the amazing world of trees to you, with special attention paid to the beautiful forests of our land. 

From quizzes to conundrums, and from fascinating facts to our A-Z guide to our super trees, we hope you will come to learn just how important and amazing our woodlands, forests and parks truly are.  

Of course, we’ve got lots more in here for you too. For starters you can check out our collection of farming news from the last month. From reports on the terrible damage Storm Éowyn brought, to the massive clean-up that is still ongoing, we hope our selection brings you up to date on the matters than matter to you. 

This month in ‘Machinery Time’, we shift from John Deere to Fendt as we profile the highly impressive, award-winning Fendt 620 Vario. You’ll be able to scan codes to watch the tractor in action and  view lots more pictures of this  fine machine. 

Oh, and before we go, make sure you check out our AG MAG MEETS … this month. It’s an exclusive interview with 12-year-old Kevin Keane, the young farmer from Leitrim who stole the show 

(or at least 10 minutes of it) when he appeared on The Late Late Toy Show last December. We were delighted to catch up with Kevin and see what he has been doing of late. 

As always, if you would like to get in touch, we’d love to hear from you. You can email! 

Once again, until next issue, farm well and, above all, farm safely!